Leverage real-time transaction monitoring to stay one step ahead of fraudsters and remain AML compliant

Identify suspicious behavior faster

Gain clear insights into typical customer behavior and quickly spot irregularities. Integrate your internal data with third-party data providers to gain a holistic view of customer behavior throughout the entire lifecycle.

Reduce false positives while remaining AML compliant

Optimize monitoring logic and enhance detection with ease while minimizing manual inspections. Seamlessly integrate proprietary and external machine learning models to decrease false positives and streamline fraud detection processes.

Streamline reporting and manual reviews

Taktile's comprehensive data logging ensures audit readiness at all times and makes it easy to streamline manual review processes by surfacing the right information in a customizable case management solution.

Get a 360 degree view of your customer

Access a wealth of external data through our Data Marketplace and seamlessly integrate proprietary machine learning models and data warehouses to enhance your fraud detection capabilities.

Stop reacting, start preventing